Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Went to Chincoteague, Va this week with Manassas Warrenton Camera Club friend Mike Crosby.  Weather was great and the sunrise was beautiful.  I've been there many times before and was looking for something different.  This time we were there in mid-summer, we usually go in the fall, for peak waterfowl migration.  But the birds were plentiful this morning and we both got some great shots.

This guy was pretty happy with his breakfast, but the competition was stiff to say the least.

We has some skimmers too, but they were not cooperating with us this time.  We also took a boat ride to get up close to the Chincoteague ponies.

Chincoteague Lighthouse and ponies.

So pretty much a great couple of days.  Can't wait to go back.  Next week is the pony roundup, which draws quite a crowd.  Ponies are rounded up and have to swim across the channel to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.  Sometimes prices range upwards to $10,000 for the prize ponies.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summit Point Raceway Safari

We had our first racecar photo safari yesterday to Summit Point Raceway near Charles Town, WV.  My friend Mike Harrigan got us permission to do a safari there and arranged to get us SCCA membership passes for the weekend.  We also had media passes so we could shoot anywhere.  The attached photo is one of the open wheel racers using an umbrella to keep cool while waiting for his race to start.  Over 90 degrees in the shade with a slight breeze, but the drivers were in fireproof suits and sweating like dogs by time the race was over.  They had practice runs during the morning and then races in the afternoon.  See link for more photos.  We had a great time and also got some nice action shots.